Complex Spinal
Reconstruction Surgeon
Following a deployment to Iraq, he returned to civilian life and joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota where he developed a complex spinal reconstructive practice. He continued for almost ten years before accepting an academic promotion to Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Saint Louis University where he remained on faculty for four years.
Over those four years, he and Dr. Kurt Eichholz began to share consultations on patients who would benefit from complex spinal reconstruction. It became clear that closer collaboration would result in even better care for patients so Dr. Morgan joined Dr. Eichholz at the Saint Louis Minimally Invasive Spine Center in early 2021 with the shared goal of creating the pre-eminent practice for the entire range of spine surgery.

Specialties include
Severe Deformity & Scoliosis
Dr. Morgan's practice continues to be focused on complex spinal reconstruction including severe deformity and scoliosis as well as evaluation and treatment of failed back syndromes. When he is not straightening the bent or mending the broken, he is active in his church community with his wife and six children. He and his wife enjoy ballroom dance and all things Latin as well as the occasional scuba diving adventure.